Eating Disorders

Eating disorders are not about food...

Obsession and preoccupation with food and/or the amount of food intake are connected with poor self image and lack of self-acceptance. "I'm too fat," "I'm ugly," "My life would be better if I just lost weight," are thoughts that distract an individual from being present in their life and available for relationship with self and others. Eating disorders are about punishment, control or lack of control, deprivation, isolation, depression and ultimately, an escape from feeling.

Like all addictions, eating disorders impact neurochemistry associated with brain functioning. On the anorexic side there is an illusion of power that arises from self-starvation and a resulting "high" that a person becomes addicted to as the eating disorder takes on a life of its own. On the purging end of the continuum the ritual feels out of control as the insatiable need to fill oneself over and over and/or binge and purge in an attempt to be rid of built-up negative feelings, has a resulting numbing effect that lasts only temporarily, thus driving the cycle to begin again.

Feelings of inadequacy are ever present. Guilt becomes embedded in the addiction cycle; guilt for not meeting the perceived expectations of self and others isolates the individual - ultimately spinning the person deeper and deeper into a pool of self-hate and shame.

Perfectionism often fuels the stage for self-starvation or bingeing and purging. Again, the individual's perceived expectations are often illusive and unrealistic, which leads to blame and punishment. Whereas, the compulsivity to eat and eat and eat leaves a person depressed, isolated and starved for affection.

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What happens to the body...

In Anorexia and Bulimia:


Frequent Headaches as a result of lowered blood pressure and decreased oxygen supply to brain.


Loss of an insulating layer of fat and/or decreased circulation due to lowered blood pressure and a slower heart rate, as well as a slower metabolism that results in feeling cold most of the time.


Low blood pressure is caused by low potassium levels in the blood, thus resulting in electrolyte imbalances and vitamin deficiencies.


Tingling in hands, feet and face. Again, vitamin deficiencies are the cause, especially loss of potassium. Individuals often feel light-headed and tired most of the time.


Dizziness, lightheadedness, feeling faint is caused by lack of nutritional intake from purging and/or laxative abuse, resulting in a slowed heart rate, malnutrition and dehydration, depression and/or stress.


Bruised or callused knuckles and fingers are an indication of bulimia from sticking fingers in mouth and down the throat to induce vomiting. The person experiences a soar throat and/or swollen glands from the irritation the stomach acid causes during purging. Associated with this are dry skin, brittle hair and hair loss as a result of malnutrition and hormonal imbalances. Also, there is what is called, Lanugo, which is fine hair growth on the face, back and arms from hormonal imbalances.


Dental problems are associated with anorexia/bulimia/compulsive overeating. Teeth and gum deterioration are common and decalcification of teeth and enamel loss occurs through exposure to stomach acid during purging.


Other possible results of chronic eating disorders are arthritis, osteoporosis, infertility, back pain, joint discomfort, poor circulation, heart problems, feeling weak and unhealthy, sleep pattern problems, and exhaustion.

In Compulsive Overeating:


There is a tendency to be excessively warm or hot as a result of increased exertion requirements placed on the body by excess weight and increased digestive activities.


Nutritional imbalances lead to a fast and/or irregular heart rate and high blood pressure as a result of increased weight and raised cholesterol levels are possible.


Joint pain, muscle soreness, and decreased mobility is experienced by excess weight putting additional stresses on the body. Excess weight also impacts circulation by constricting veins and arteries, which leads to varicose veins and spider veins.


Exhaustion and decreased endurance and dizziness impact quality of life.

For your information:

Ephedrine is a stimulant that is used as an ingredient in diet pills, illegal recreational drugs, and legitimate over-the-counter medications to treat congestion and asthma. Ephedrine has a molecular structure similar to amphetamine. Ephedrine can produce the following adverse reactions: heart attack, stroke, tachycardia, paranoid psychosis, depression, convulsions, coma, fever, vomiting, palpitations, hypertension, and respiratory depression.

For more information call ReLife at 770-858-1755.

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Last modified: July 09, 2008